The Wind and the Sun

The Wind and the Sun


There was a time when the North Wind was very proud and arrogant about his power. He went whooshing this way – and he went whooshing that way – and wherever he went, trees shook, clothes went flying, the flowers lost their petals. He loved showing off his strength like that.

“I am the most powerful being in the world,” he boasted.

“Really?” asked the Sun. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I am sure,” the North Wind said. “I am more powerful than you too. You cannot move and push people about. I can.”

“Power doesn’t mean pushing people about,” the Sun said. “It is getting people to do what you want them to do.”

The Wind laughed. He was whooshing this way and that. He said, “I can get them to do what I want. Wait, I will show you. Do you see that man below wearing a coat and a hat?”

The Sun looked down and there was indeed a man walking below wearing a coat and a hat.

“Watch!” said the North Wind. He began to blow hard, passing the man many many times.

The man hugged the coat tighter to himself. He pressed the hat closer to his ears.

The wind blew harder and harder. The man held his coat and hat tighter and tighter.

The Wind huffed and puffed so much that soon he was tired.

“Have you quite finished?” asked the Sun. “Now watch me,” he said. The sun began to shine brighter and brighter.

In a little while, the man took off his coat. He was feeling hot.

The Sun shone even brighter. The man took off his hat. He was sweating.

“See?” said the Sun. “You don’t have to push people to get what you want, all the time.”

The North Wind said nothing. He whooshed away, ashamed of his arrogance.