The Oak Tree and the Reed

The Oak Tree and the Reed


On the banks of a river stood a tall Oak tree and a small reed that grew by the water. The Oak tree was very proud of his stature and was always laughing at the small reed about his lack of strength.

“You are small and thin and weak. Look at how you bend at the slightest wind. You bow down and cannot stand straight. Look at me. I don’t bow down to anyone. No one is worth bowing down to.”

The reed looked this way and that in the wind, and didn’t say anything. The water was cool and the wind soft and the reed was happy.

One day, there was a strong wind blowing. From morning, the reed was being tossed to and fro. The strong Oak laughed at him.

“Look at you! You have no strength not to sway here and there. Look at me. I am standing tall and strong. Look at my straight spine. No one can bend me. I bow down to no one.”

The wind heard him and he got angry. He blew harder and harder. The reed was tossed almost to the ground, but the wind could not uproot him. The Oak however did not bend at all. The wind blew very very hard. And suddenly there was a loud crack. The Oak tree had fallen to the earth.

The reed looked at the Oak tree sadly. “Sometimes you need to be a little flexible if you want to survive,” he told the fallen Oak tree. But the Oak tree could not hear him. He was dead.