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Yearly Archives: 2022

Library of Sri Jayewardenepura has organized a user awareness session in collaboration with Elsevier (Publisher of Scopus). Session details are as follows; Date              : 07th September 2022 Time             : 03.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. Venue           : Online Resource Person: Dr Shubhra Dutta Registration Link: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1g4inVzqTNSymkAJsBKMig
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1. Turnitin Feedback Studio: Empowering Students to Create their Best, Original Work (FOR STUDENTS) on 10th August at 4 pm: Registration Link: https://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JPVuc7otTny6Q–7BC9OvA 2. User Awareness Session: Turnitin Feedback Studio on 24th August at 4 pm: Registration Link: https://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NpVxo8ESThuQ52cUfubqlA 3. User Awareness Session: Turnitin Feedback Studio with Originality on 14th September at 4 pm: Registration Link: https://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AK-7bjJdRE6UJburRgMCbA 4. Turnitin Feedback Studio: Useful 
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Students who have completed their degree programs by now are advised to obtain the library clearance prior to the convocation. Please follow below guidelines: Students can check whether there are overdue books and fines, etc., by logging into their library account (username: Registration No.; Default Password:***). The students who are able to come to the library can return borrowed books 
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To access the Scopus database outside of the university, library users are encouraged to use the VPN service provided by the CITS. To obtain this service, students should send a request to the library.it@sjp.ac.lk via the Course Coordinator/Head of Department. Following the verification process, students will be given a username and a password, as well as instructions on how to use the 
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The palm leaf manuscripts are considered as valuable cultural heritage, recording history, indigenous knowledge, and wisdom of the ancestors.  The palm leaf manuscript collection of the library, University of Sri Jayewardenepura is one of the oldest collections. This collection consists of various subjects such as Buddhism, Indigenous Medicine, Veterinary Science, Rituals (Shanthikarma), Astrology, History and Language. They were written in 
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