How can I use the Library System to find out a book?

You can use a simple search or an advanced search. And you can filter your results according to the Author, Title, Subject, Publisher, Call Number etc… and Collections, Locations, Item Types, Holding Library Branch etc…
Click here to go to OPAC Search Help.

What is my Username and Password for the Library System Account?

For Undergraduate Students: Student Registration Number. Ex:- AS78XXX, MC75XXX
For Academic and Nonacademic Staff and Postgraduate Students: National Identity card Number. Ex:- 8532XXXXXV
For Foreign Students: Passport Number. Ex:- BX47XXXXXV

Password: Username and Password for your Library Account will be sent by an email which you have provided with the application form or you can get the details by contacting the library Staff. (0112-758518, 0112-758521, 0112-758526)
Click here to see all the details.

What are the benefits of using My Library Account?

You can use latest library facilities and services like Renew Your Lending Period, Reserve Materials, Use Cart, Make Book lists, Mail Lists, Add Comments, Rate Books, Add Purchase Suggestions and many more using your account.
Click here to see all the details.

How can I Renew Books Online?

Log-in to your account. Go to your summery. And you will find the list of your current checkouts. Check the box below Renew at the right side of the page. Click Renew selected.
Click here to see all the details.

How can I change my password?

Go to OPAC, log-in to your account and click the button “Change Password” at the left navigation bar.

My Library Account is blocked. Why?

The Library Account will automatically blocked in either of the following occasions.

  • If your fine amount exceeded Rs. 50.00.
  • If you have an overdue material. (If you have not returned the book on due date)

Once you paid the fine or returned the overdue materials, the Account activates automatically.

How should I renew my Library Account?

The renewal notice appears on your account 30 days prior to expiry date of your account. (Usually the end of your each academic year) You need to visit the Library Inquiry Desk to renew your library account for the upcoming year.

How can i borrow a Laptopt?

You should be a library account holder with the University identity card and you can use the laptop within the library from 8.00am to 4.00pm on weekdays.
Click here for more information.

Why can’t I connect to the Wi-Fi within the library?

You need to activate your Wi-Fi account in ordere to access USJNET service.
Click here to activate your account and it will instruct you how to do it.

How can i find Scholarly Articles for my studies?

Go to E-Resources tab in the library web site and there you will find all the e-databases, e-journals and many more open access resources. You can search those and can download the full text articles.
Click here to go to E-Resources.

What is Federated Search?

Federated search is an information retrieval technology that allows the simultaneous search of multiple searchable resources. So you can search all the e-resources at once using Federated search.
Click here to try Federated search.

I can’t download articles from E-Resources and it requests a log-in. Why?

We have subscribed to the Articles recommended by the university academics. So some of the Journals are not subscribed and we can’t download articles as those require a log-in. If the article you need is not subscribed, you can request it through Inter Library Loan Facility. (illusjp@sjp.ac.lk, medlib@sjp.ac.lk)
Click here to go to Inter Library Loans.

What is Inter Library Loans?

Inter Library Loan is a facility provided by the library collaborating with other university libraries, Institutes and Networks to share the resources within each other.
Click here to go to Inter Library Loans.

I have lost a book. What should I do?

First inform the Library Inquiry Desk immediately and they will instruct you the process.

Option : 1

  • You can replace a copy of the same edition or a latest edition.

Option : 2

  • You have to pay for the cost for the lost book calculated by the library.
  • A form has to be filled and payment should be done to University Shroff counter, and the paid receipt should be forwarded to Library Inquiry Desk.

How should I get the Library Clearance Certificate?

Visit the Library Inquiry Desk and they will instruct you the process.

  • Library Inquiry Desk will check your Library Account / Library Tickets for any due materials or fines.
  • For lost cards or lost books, Inquiry Desk will follow the lost books process as described above.
  • When it’s done and the your account is clean, Then they will issue the Library Clearance Certificate.
  • Please check your Student Record Book is duly stamped and signed by the authorized person in the Library.