Now you can lend a laptop at the library
The library started lending laptops to its users. Read the following instructions to lend your laptop.
Borrower Eligibility
• Library account holder with the University identity card
• Please access the IT Help Desk for technical queries on operation of library laptops.

• The laptop is only to use within the library. Not taking it out of the library.
• The Service is only from 8.00am to 4.00pm on weekdays.
• Laptops should be returned by 4.00pm.
• You are the person who is responsible for the laptop during the loan period. Do not borrow it for anyone else.
• Safe return is a responsibility of the borrower.
• Library is not responsible for your personal data. Do not save anything to the hard drive. All saved data to the hard drive is automatically deleted when the laptop is shut down.
• Save your work to a personal storage device. Pen drive is recommended.
• Do not attach any other hardware to the laptop. Do not install your own software and do not try to change any system settings.
• Fines will be charged for lost or damaged laptops or parts of laptops.