JSTOR Growth in 2017


Thanks to your continued support, the ever-growing JSTOR digital library now contains 2,500+ journals, 50,000+ ebooks, and 2 million primary sources that support research and teaching.

At present, our archive journal collections now total more than 11.7 million articles, representing 74.9 million pages and 18,000 linear feet of shelf space savings. In 2017 alone, we’ve added 103 journals and 663,000 articles, representing 3.7 million pages and 900 linear feet of shelf space savings.

A breakdown of growth by collection is available here. For any collections you do not currently license, we’re happy to provide holdings comparison information to help you better evaluate if these collections meet your institution’s research needs. Request Holdings Comparison If you have any additional questions, please contact us at participation@jstor.org